Creating Happiness Workshops
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.
Level One & Level Two Teacher Trainings
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.
Solstice and Summer Festivals
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.
Upcoming events.

Level 1 Immersion Hybrid: San Marcos, Guatemala
Level 1 Immersion Hybrid:
San Marcos, Guatemala
Thursday, March 15, 2025
Thursday, April12, 2025
This is a KRI and Yoga Alliance certified This is a 220-Hour training program that certifies you to be an internationally recognized yoga instructor by the Kundalini Yoga Research Institute and the Yoga Alliance. Teacher Training is a concentrated program to take you to the depths and heights of your Soul. It prepares you to hold the space as an instructor as you learn the roles and responsibilities of a teacher in and out of a classroom setting. The program takes you on an educational journey of the body including: Yogic and Western Anatomy, movements, postures (asanas), modifications, body alignment, and body awareness.

Creating Happiness Workshop: Clearing family karma - Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Clearing family karma The unresolved patterns from our parents' lives often perpetuate through generations until someone breaks the cycle by transmuting the energy. With each passing generation, these patterns tend to amplify in strength and intensity.
In this deeply personal and transformative class, we will embark on a journey of self-discovery, peeling back the layers to identify what truly belongs to us and what requires healing and transformation. We will confront these aspects, accept them as they are, and work towards changing ourselves and our reactions to them.

Creating Happiness Workshop: Clearing family karma - Bangkok, Thailand
Clearing family karma The unresolved patterns from our parents' lives often perpetuate through generations until someone breaks the cycle by transmuting the energy. With each passing generation, these patterns tend to amplify in strength and intensity.
In this deeply personal and transformative class, we will embark on a journey of self-discovery, peeling back the layers to identify what truly belongs to us and what requires healing and transformation. We will confront these aspects, accept them as they are, and work towards changing ourselves and our reactions to them.

Creating Happiness Workshop: Clearing family karma - Valle de Bravo, Mexico
Clearing family karma The unresolved patterns from our parents' lives often perpetuate through generations until someone breaks the cycle by transmuting the energy. With each passing generation, these patterns tend to amplify in strength and intensity.
In this deeply personal and transformative class, we will embark on a journey of self-discovery, peeling back the layers to identify what truly belongs to us and what requires healing and transformation. We will confront these aspects, accept them as they are, and work towards changing ourselves and our reactions to them.
Use code HAPPINESSVB24 at checkout for early bird prices.

Level 2 Authentic Relationships: San Marcos, Guatemala
Level 2 Authentic Relationships:
San Marcos, Guatemala
Saturday, January 25, 2025
Thursday, January 30, 2025
Take time to explore the dynamics of your relationships and how you interact with others. Do you notice repeating patterns of attracting difficult situations and people into your life? Are you easily frustrated and feel defeated or unacknowledged? Ultimately, the relationship you have with yourself, your soul, is reflected back to you in every relationship you engage in (friendships, romantic partners, family dynamics, and professional). Let's explore your relationship patterns and dissect and address the problematic, undesirable, uncomfortable parts of those relationships. Instead of being caught up with the powerful emotions, let's diffuse it and honestly look at it and accept it. Deciding if it is useful to engage or if it is time to release the patterns. This is a rare chance to uncover some deep truths.
The following prices include only accommodation. Tuition prices will be published shortly.
Tuition: $1095/$1250 early bird/day of $725/$895 online

One Light Festival: Self assessment and impactful action
Self assessment and impactful action
Evaluating the alignment between our actions and our words facilitates their harmonization. When there's a discrepancy, it manifests as inner conflict and a sense of duality in our personality. Regular self-assessment in this regard is crucial until our mind becomes adept at expressing only truth. This process allows us to explore the depths of the self and unleash the boundless creativity within our human existence
In this immersive class, we will learn how to self-assess and hormoize with our values to create impactful actions.
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Level 2 Mind and Meditation: India Yatra Anandpur Sahib, India

Level 2 Conscious Communication with Siri Prakash: Eka Mai yoga center Dubai, UAE
Use code CCEKAMAI24 at check out for early bird price $1333. Early bird price is valid up to 30 days prior to the start of the course.
online pre registration

Yoga and Wellness Festival Nepal: Heart and mind connection
Heart and mind connection
Open yourself to the divine elixirs of self-consciousness, self-experience, and self-love into your being. Learn to harness the power of your radiant body to your advantage. Tap into your executive mind qualities, transcending fear, resonating with courage, and embracing heart-centred leadership. Learn how to move through time and space with Grace.

Bhaktifest: Heart and mind connection
Heart and mind connection
Open yourself to the divine elixirs of self-consciousness, self-experience, and self-love into your being. Learn to harness the power of your radiant body to your advantage. Tap into your executive mind qualities, transcending fear, resonating with courage, and embracing heart-centred leadership. Learn how to move through time and space with Grace.
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Click here to get your tickets.

3HO European Yoga Festival: Activate the power of the directed mind
Activate the power of the directed mind
Rarely are we deliberate, most of us live unconsciously. When we learn to live consciously, we are alert and connected to our habits, actions and behaviours. We have the power to alter the course of our lives and operate from the seat of power. In this immersive experience, you will learn about the three minds, negative, positive and neutral. Discovering which is dominant in you, helps you to identify and strengthen different qualities of the mind at the right time. Learn how to identify these attributes in others so that you can communicate with impact. The power of our directed mind is where self-mastery and magnetism come into play. Turning on the power of the mind and direct with energy.

3HO Summer Solstice: Heart and mind connection
Heart and mind connection
Open yourself to the divine elixirs of self-consciousness, self-experience, and self-love into your being. Learn to harness the power of your radiant body to your advantage. Tap into your executive mind qualities, transcending fear, resonating with courage, and embracing heart-centred leadership. Learn how to move through time and space with Grace.

Polish Yoga Festival: Heart and mind connection
Heart and mind connection
Open yourself to the divine elixirs of self-consciousness, self-experience, and self-love into your being. Learn to harness the power of your radiant body to your advantage. Tap into your executive mind qualities, transcending fear, resonating with courage, and embracing heart-centred leadership. Learn how to move through time and space with Grace.

Great British Yoga Festival: Activate the power of the directed mind.
Activate the power of the directed mind
Rarely are we deliberate, most of us live unconsciously. When we learn to live consciously, we are alert and connected to our habits, actions and behaviours. We have the power to alter the course of our lives and operate from the seat of power. In this immersive experience, you will learn about the three minds, negative, positive and neutral. Discovering which is dominant in you, helps you to identify and strengthen different qualities of the mind at the right time. Learn how to identify these attributes in others so that you can communicate with impact.
The power of our directed mind is where self-mastery and magnetism come into play. Turning on the power of the mind and direct with energy.