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Conscious Communication with Siri Prakash Online: August 9th-14th

Effective communication is when you launch a series of words, body language, tone of words, choice of words it has an impact on the other person and it leads to a desired action. How you say, what you say, why you say, when you say, either makes an imprint or it does not. Most of the time, we communicate ineffectively and are caught up in the reaction of our words. We end up not meaning what we say or how it was said. Communicating becomes difficult and filled with emotional reactions and we get frustrated or worst, we become triggered. Learn how to communicate in 11 words or less and get the results you want. Become mindful of the situation, choose the words that the other person can understand, and say it in a tone/manner that the other person can hear. Projecting from your space so that the words can penetrate their space is key. Take a breath and enter the state of kindness, patience, and compassion helps every communication.

Course details:
August 9th-14, 2022
4-7am + 8-11am PST
7-10am + 11am-2pm EST
13:00-16:00 + 17:00-20:00 CET

Level 2 Teacher Training payment plan (6 Installments)
$188.00 every month for 6 months

$188.00 x 6 = $1128.00

Get your course materials here!
*Printed book just available for domestic shipping

Level 2 Teacher Training Manual (printed book)
July 1

Vitality and Stress with SatHari Kaur Online: July 1-4 + 23-24

September 2

Mind and Meditation with SatHari Kaur Online: Sept 2-5 + Sept 24-25