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Vitality and Stress with Vedya Amrita: Mexico, Playa del Carmen Oct 21-26

Learning how to manage your energy will alleviate the stress burden you chronically carry. When you can shift the perspective of any given situation in your favor, you instantly have the upper hand and you win. There is a unspoken game in the law of nature that the biggest energy field wins. Learn how we can expand your energy field in an organic and natural way so that is sustainable. Examine the source of the core thoughtforms that induce your stress response. Create a new paradigm of what you can and what you want to handle so you can step away from the victim mentality and into a co-creative being. We feel victimized when we don't have control over the situation. Find your power position and learn to flex your muscles and enjoy your empowerment. Power is not given, it is earned and taken. Build your nervous system to handle the intensity of your life's choices. Breathe in that powerful breath of life that empowers you. Stand up and make a difference.

Course details:
Oct 21-26
With Vedya Amrita
Mexico, Playa del Carmen
Riviera Maya Resort, Playa Del Carmen, Quintana Roo, Mexico

895 Early Bird Price
1095 Regular Price

7-nights housing $500, flight, meals, ground transporation not included

Get your course materials here!
*Printed book just available for domestic shipping

Level 2 Teacher Training Manual (printed book)
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